A. Background
Since the fast development of tourism in Indonesia, we are sure there are lot of hotels and tourism attractions in Indonesia looking for a candidate to work in tourism industry in order to serve the tourists, especially the foreigners from western country, to communicate. This occasion causes some institutions plan to give more skills to students to be able to communicate in foreign language (especially English), not only for ESP students but also for all public institutions. One of the institutions is the D-3 program of Bina Sarana Informatika (BSI) College Jakarta.
BSI is proud to offer a bachelor degree program in Hospitality and Tourism Management. It is a double degree program in which students will graduate with two degrees, conferred by BSI and its overseas affiliate. This program sets international curricula and syllabi that combine a high level of management skills with management knowledge in hospitality and tourism, students are prepared for the careers at management levels in the hospitality and tourism industry.
This progressive program includes 3 years study at BSI and 1 year of practical training in 4 or 5 star hotels in Indonesia and overseas, such as in Malaysia and Singapore. Overseas practical training placements offer a great opportunity for students to enhance their foreign language proficiency, a highly sought after skills in the hospitality and tourism industry, besides getting a fascinating insight into the realities of the hospitality business.
The courses are delivered fully in English. They are designed to generate job ready graduates (with international qualifications), prepared to be highly effective and innovative managers who have in-depth knowledge and outstanding competencies in hospitality and tourism management.
B. Overall Curriculum Description.
According to Miriam Lavi in her paper “The Medium is the Message Common Sense Approaches to Teaching ESP”, it is said that, “In English for Special Purposes, the medium should be the message”. This approach can and must determine the amount of time and energy. It means that we need analysis that determines which language skills are most needed by the students, and the syllabus is designed accordingly.
Students’ approach of studying English is through a field that is already known and relevant to them. This means that they are able to use what they learn in the classroom right away in their work and studies. The approach enhances the relevance of what the students are learning and enables them to use the English they know to learn even more English, since their interest in their field will motivate them to interact with speakers and texts. They are constantly expanding vocabulary, becoming more fluent in their fields.
Trying and keeping everyone happy by choosing a topic that combines social English or topics of general interest make the student involve in the classroom activities. Finally, finish the class with conversation, concluding with the kind of social chat they like. If they get the idea that this is coming at the end of each lesson, they might be happier doing the task during the rest of the lesson.
The approaches are as follow:
1. In order to support active learning in teaching English for non managerial hotel and accommodate for a variety of learning styles, teachers should use the overhead, pictures, posters, drawings, cards, graphic organizers, manipulative, computer, videos, and tapes. Using a multi sensory approach to instruction helps students in organizing and internalizing information by creating physical and pictorial representations. All the medias are very useful tools in the classroom. Apart from providing the obvious listening skills benefits, they are also an opportunity for the student to hear different voices and accents and for the teacher to move out of the limelight. As an alternative, try making the student responsible for the activity by giving them control of the tape-recorder or video remote-control. They will then pause or rewind the tape when they need to do so not when you think it’s necessary.
2. Using flexible grouping practices- Flexible grouping allows the teacher to create skill-based, interest-based, or random groups that are matched to student interest, learning style, or readiness. Flexible grouping also allows students the opportunity to work with other students at all performance levels. Seating should be arranged to promote student learning, participation, and interaction.
Prepared aural comprehension materials should be played to the class until understood fully. Comprehension (passive skill) and so will be even further beyond their oral abilities (active skill). The pronunciation and idioms should be drilled via repetition (whole class, small groups, individual students) until each student is confident of his language production skills and the teacher is satisfied with the results.
The students will need to make presentations in their work. These can range from a presentation of their latest product to a presentation in a relaxed environment with the teacher giving feedback on the language used and the effectiveness of the presentation. We can help the student with the language of presentations and with presentation techniques, such as using visuals and graphs.
Then the students should apply their newly-acquired material to creating dialogues, mini-presentations, and so on in the form of classroom exercises. In the final stage, students should record the above applications, either in the classroom or as homework.
If students are resistant to doing specific grammar or pronunciation points in class, the best way to approach these points is through correcting the errors they make when they are speaking. If we can show them a sentence they actually said with the error in it then the relevance of the point to them has at least been made.
C. Needs
The qualified and skilled teachers are badly needed as described below:
1. Qualified teacher, a teacher should hold a minimum of an undergraduate degree and more than two years of experience, should have tourism background, at least they are familiar with the hotel and tourism. The work experience does not necessarily have to be in the field of education, but can be in any area deemed appropriate or relevant by the prospective employer.
2. Competent teacher, the English teacher who is competent teachers who understand and are able to use English effectively in communicating, understanding how students learn and needs, understand how to design a teaching task that can support students' learning process, and understand how to motivate and support students to develop their interest. To increase competence, a teacher is suggested to read the publications in English a lot, reflect the teaching experience through experimentation, and sharing to other people or teachers.
Based on the qualifications of teacher above, there should be the role of the ESP teacher before, during and after a peer teaching activity; A teacher need to be able to play an extended set of roles:
1. Explorer, the ESP teacher is supposed to play the role as an explorer throughout the phases of a task, from warming-up the students to the task, instructing them how to handle it, monitoring their work, and giving feedback. The more the ESP teacher can explore about the students as well as the task itself, the more successful the task will be.
2. Organizer, the ESP teacher has to choose and organize the most appropriate one to each task.
3. Advisor, as the ESP teacher, this role is really important, because their students are adult learners who can understand and realize their teacher’s consultation. They can prepare for the task by discussing with their peers, or seek for more information on the given subject matter from various sources. If the teacher is a good advisor, the students’ autonomy will be improved a lot.
4. Instructor, the ESP teacher has to explain the demands of the task, do the task with a random student as a model; and after the task, the feedback from the teacher is a must so that the students can acquire their strengths and weaknesses.
As their functions are giving good services to the tourists and communicating well with them it is very important for the learners to have the knowledge as follows:
1. Certain vocabularies related to tourists and hotels
2. Several kinds of expressions in communicating with tourist in hotel
3. A lot of opportunities to practices their knowledge
D. Goals and Objectives
It is expected that this book will be useful not only for the students but also the teachers to hold a good instruction of Non managerial hotel in BSI Jakarta. The objective of the book is that after doing the instruction the students are able to:
1. communicate generally with customers or guests
2. serve foreign customers in taking room reservation, taking order, giving information about tourism places, and giving direction out of the hotel.
E. Materials
1. Syllabus
Based on the learners’ needs and the objectives we provide 5 lessons in the syllabus:
1.1 Taking a reservation
1.2 Bell boy : Escorting guests
1.3 Taking Order
1.4 Giving information about tourism places
1.5 Giving Directions Out of the hotel
2. Lesson Plan
In designing the lesson plan for each unit there will be the following parts:
2.1 Objective
2.2 Time allocation
2.3 Theme
2.4 Technique
2.5 Material
3. The Material
3.1 Language expression
3.2 Vocabulary lists
3.3 Dialogue
3.4 Task: role play. simulation, vocabulary test
4. Assessment:
4.1 Technique:
4.1.1 Performance (role play)
4.1.2 Responding utterances
4.1.3 Completion
4.2 Items test
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