Thursday, 22 May 2014

JIS Child Sex Abuse

Dahlan Hidayat           
In my opinion, the case in JIS was really very immoral act, an innocent child becomes a victim of bad things that are not responsible. its perpetrators should be punished according to its heavy weight of the law

I think in this case there is a mistake made by the school that allow students without supervision so that the suspects can perform an action repeatedly to students

Danang Eka Putra       
I feel very concerned about what is happening in JIS as educational institutions should be a place for the delivery of high values, tbukan instead become a place of sexual harassment

Daniel Sp Marbun       
I think the accident in Jakarta International School is because of due to lack of supervision. Thats why the teacher can do a sex crime to the students. And after the investigation, revealed that a suspect is not only 1 teacher, but more than 2 teachers, it means they have some organization for the pedophilia, and i hope the case will be over, so the students in Jakarta International School can study without any interference.

Dena Anggika Prayogo           
I think, the events that occurred in the JIS is a thing that can be tarnished education in Indonesia. should we have to be aware of in dealing with sexual violence that occurs in children, and always keep our families to avoid become victim of crime.

Desca Akky Pangestu R         
I think the incident is tragic, it can result in children is a mentally disturbed, so the school must act quickly to the incident to the offender immediately in law, parents are also obligated to protect son although the school is expensive but not necessarily safe

Dhony Galeh Sulistio  
So, the selection of workers, especially the outsourcing in the school should be more stringent. "The school was, in any recruitment, both office boy, cleaning service, to be strict,

Diah Puspa Rini          I think, often oversized field supervision in all things. In Jakarta, it's a lot of schools, both in the village and the city. All the same, the security must be tightened. In addition to emphasizing the importance of the supervision function and appeal to every school in order to be more careful in recruiting employees, from janitors to security officers. Therefore, while in school, students are not only related to the teacher alone, but also with other school officials. I am deeply disappointed with the events of sexual violence that afflicts the kindergarten age child. I hope the perpetrators of abuse to get appropriate punishment. it's already in the jurisdiction. To the fullest extent of the law
Dicky Novandi Pratama         I think this case should be investigated quickly so that later no more victims. And also the school becomes favorable again. The students go back to school to continue their study quietly. In the trial, we can only hope that the victim's parents want to open themselves to cooperate fully investigate this case. Also the government should not be late the hero who comes late when it was happened. It should be the existing child protection movement of the first.

Dicky Yehezkiel         
This incident in Jakarta International School is very shocking, especially parents who are victims of the incident which occurred at a place of education so that school sex education should be given early in accordance with the mind and the minds of children.

Dito Prasetia Nugraha 
In my opinion, in the case of crimes committed in JIS school, before school should recruit teachers, must perform a variety of tests, including psychological tests, so that the teachers are really good to be able to teach, therefore, expected in the future, the government and existing schools, also have to be more selective in recruiting teachers, so that cases of sexual crimes against children in schools can be prevented early

Dwi Saputra    
Sexual harassment as a result of the development of technology that can affect people without any special supervision of the family then the crime occurred.

Dwiki Satya Hutama Putra     
The case of sexual harassment that happen in the kindergarten’s students of JIS by a phedophilia getting big attention. Children who should be to school but turns out to be an abused. With this situation, it makes a child under age is suffering hard traumatic. Therefore, the KOMNAS of child cooperating with the psychologists to give helping for the children. In addition to, the family also have to ask the responsibility of the JIS about the case. And for the JIS, in order to review the security system and education in it with the purpose the incident never happen again.

Efan Farouq Wafa      
I judge, sexual violence happens to kindergarten students at Jakarta International School (JIS) due to weak oversight function. monitoring should be performed routinely in all schools, including private schools, meeting JIS expensive though. We are often oversized field supervision in all things. In Jakarta, it's a lot of schools, both in the village and the city. All the same, the security must be tightened.
I appeal to every school so that more careful again in recruiting employees, from janitors to security officers. Therefore, while in school, students are not only related to the teacher alone, but also with other school officials. I was very disappointed with the events of sexual violence that afflicts the kindergarten age child. Therefore, he hoped the perpetrators of abuse receive appropriate punishment.

Eksal Rohadi   
In my opinion events that occurred in JIS is a very embarrassing incident for education Indonesia because it has tarnished the dignity of Indonesia, especially in education that makes Indonesia look can not take care of the quality and quantity of teachers.
Eris Rivaldi Juliansyah            
My opinion, such actions are very commendable and embarrassing. well not to be imitated by anyone. we should remind each other that things happen sodium absorption ratio as follows.
Fadhila Hasna Kumalasari 
From this incident we get the conclusion that we must be careful with the people around us, though in the environment that we know.

In my opinion, about this event the perpetrator of the criminal act we cannot let these people because it violates the law of decency under so that the person who committed the criminal act were given punishments accordingly in order to realize his error until there is no longer the case this JIS reoccur in indonesia

Febi Surya Lesmana    
I think by giving harsh criticism against violent behavior and abuse to the child, and demanded the government to provide severe sanctions and firmly to all perpetrators will minimize the crime. In addition to parents and schools, real country most responsible for giving assurance to the protection of children from all forms of violence and harassment.

Febrian Hadie Pamungkas      
Respond to events in the Jakarta International School (JIS), the incident should now be resolved and in beranatas the actors who may be experiencing psychological pain.
the most important thing we must keep the nation for the next future.


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